
#Maymkench2026 – 26 Countries, 26 Days, One Dream!

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When dreams seem impossible, that’s when they need to be pursued the  most. #Maymkench2026 was built on the belief that Morocco’s bid to host the  2026 World Cup deserved a bold, global statement. In partnership with  content creator Saad Abid, we launched an unprecedented campaign: 26  countries in 26 days to rally international support and showcase Morocco’s  ambition to the world.  

This became the largest influencer marketing campaign of its kind, featuring  global icons like Lionel Messi, Zlatan Ibrahimović, Gad El Maleh, and many  more. Through authentic storytelling and high-impact content,  #Maymkench2026 not only captured hearts worldwide but also positioned  Morocco as a symbol of resilience and unity.